We had a couple adventures over the last month. Hannah still loves to kick and stretch, and is so fun to watch. Her new friends are Mallory the Monkey, Bumble the Bee, and Lucy. I don't really know where the name Lucy came from, but it was the first thing that came to me, and it stuck. Mallory was the name on the tag, and Bumble was pretty easy, so not original names :) The picture with Mallory was actually taking waiting at the ER. Ron was having a lot of back pain, so we headed to the ER. Thankfully we didn't wait long and Daddy was okay! He already has some back issues, and when we were at Target, he was changing Hannah and twisted wrong. That's when the pain really started. He had some numbness and back spasms and wasn't getting better. So off we went. He's doing much better, although still having some pain.
One Sunday, Hannah and I were hanging out on the couch and our dog Bo wanted to see what was going on! Hannah thinks he's so funny. Then Daddy and Hannah were hanging out, so got some cute pics of daddy's little girl :)
She can sit up and loves to put everything in her mouth. We put together her Baby Einstein activity center. She can't reach the bottom yet, but we're getting there. It's amazing how much she learns and changes everyday!
We went to Nana and Pap's house for Sunday dinner and I got some good shots of Hannah and Nana and Pap. Also, Ellia was such a great big cousin and helped Aunt Kelly and Nana give Hannah a bath! So cute~
October 3rd was also a big day for Aunt Christina, Uncle Kevin, and cousin Ellia because Mr. Dominic Robert Angelo was born at 9:09 pm~ He weighed 8 pounds three oz! So cute. Right before Hannah's appointment we got a call from Nana that Christina was going to be admitted! After Hannah's appointment we headed down to St. Clair. I figured we would just go to say hi, and didn't think Dominic would come until the middle of the night, but he had other plans! We were able to meet him that night! It was so wonderful. Of course my battery died so I didn't get too many shots of the little guy. I remember when we were waiting for Ellia not that long ago. She was so cute and excited to finally meet her little brother. Uncle Ron and I got her a little button that says New Big Sister and blinks. Hee hee. Hannah and her cousin Dominic will be 4 months apart from each other. I know one of my favorite things about growing up was having so many siblings/cousins my age. I'm sure Hannah and Dominic will get into loads of trouble together. Her partner in crime! Ha ha. Only time will tell! Here are some pictures, hopefully more to come!